Baruch Dayan haEmet, Blessed is the True Judge.
Thanks to our terrorist “peace partners”, this evening, Shuki Sofer, 39, one of Beersheba’s finest young men, will be buried instead of making wedding plans.
Just before noon, Arab terrorists ambushed three police officers along Route 60, south of Hebron. Shuki was murdered, another officer suffered serious wounds and the third escaped with lighter wounds.
Shuki, a veteran officer who had served in the Hebron hotspot for over 14 years, lived in Beersheba. He and his finance had set their wedding date for two months hence. A friend remarked, “Shuki was a lovely man, a good soul, he liked to help. He would have married in two months and was very excited, but instead of a wedding he was murdered.”
Why did this happen? The underlying cause is Arab hatred toward Israel and Jews. Terrorism. But the precipitating cause was the removal of a critical terrorist checkpoint just three weeks ago.
In one of Israel’s silly, inane, stupid and idiotic “gestures” to the Community Organizer, to appease His Royal Highness in Washington, Israel began removing checkpoints – stopped checking passing traffic for terrorists who plan to murder Israelis. This particular checkpoint, the Dayariya Crossing, was particularly critical. It was located about three kilometers (just under two miles) from the site of the attack.
Unfortunately, Shuki’s murder wasn’t the only tragedy due to a checkpoint closing.
Last night, Sunday, a resident of Alei Zahav in Samaria was also ambushed and attacked by terrorist Arabs while driving. Zahav, who is physically handicapped, noticed a car with police lights signaling him to stop. He pulled over, and the Arabs dragged him from the car, beat him and stole his vehicle. He was left to die by the side of the road – fortunately he was found and treated.
The Arab terrorists in this case had just passed through yet another now-closed checkpoint – another “gesture” to the Community Organizer.
On Friday, still another Arab terrorist rammed two Border Police with his car in Jerusalem, wounding the two officers inside. In this case, the wounded officers managed to shoot and kill the terrorist driver as he attempted to escape. As a particularly gruesome touch, the terrorist’s family managed to steal his body from the hospital, intending to bury it near the Temple Mount.
Want still one more? Also on Friday, a woman and her three children were ambushed to a rock throwing mob in the same area of Jerusalem. The woman was hit in the head with one of the rocks, but managed to step on the gas and escape.
We’ve had enough. Enough meaningless gestures, enough capitulations to the naïve despot in Washington who demands concessions from Israel that result in nothing but more deadly terrorist attacks.
Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and Judea Action Committees released a statement:
Every capitulation invites more terror!
*When we capitulated from Gaza- we received Hamas
* When we fight terrorists with paintball guns - the world is against us and demands a commission of inquiry
*When we take down army checkpoints-the Arabs enjoy and the Jews pay with their lives
*When Jews are forbidden to build and expand –the Arabs take over our land
*When the IDF abandoned the Adurayim army camp near southern Hevron - it enabled the Arabs to attack Jews
We MUST go back to our strong stand on our natural right to Eretz Israel and start behaving like a sovereign people in its homeland.
The government and the prime Minister must draw strength from the people of Israel who have shown to be strong and patriotic.
I am very concerned that Jews in the Diaspora and Jews in Israel are increasingly critical of actions taken by the Israeli Government. The State of Israel does indeed have its flaws; so does all of humankind. So what else is new? But why with increasing delight are Israel's imperfections highlighted. As a people, we tend to bend over backwards to try and do the "right" thing. Bending is one thing, however should we bend to far we risk breaking! The continued growth and survival of the Jewish State of Israel should be of paramount concern. Sadly, we have always been our own worst enemy. Am Yisroel Chai! Medinat Yisroel Chai!